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Editing and mixing

  • Vocal tuning.

  • Removing and reducing extraneous noises in the recording.

  • Aligning tracks to minimise phase issues.

  • Fixing timing issues.

After editing, my role in mixing your song will focus primarily on balancing the tracks with each other.

When mixing, I work on the following three areas:

  • Spectral - the frequency balance of the tracks. I will make sure that each track has its own sonic space in the mix.

  • Dynamic - the volume balance and dynamic range of the tracks. I will ensure that no part is lost in the mix.

  • Panning - the use of the stereo spread. Combined with the spectral and dynamic areas, panning helps to give every part its own place in the mix.

Editing is a massively important part of the production process. It can lay the foundations for turning a good song into a professional sounding hit.

When editing, I carry out the following:

What I can do for your music



Click below to hear examples of songs I've mixed:

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